The objective of this site is to provide some day to day accounts of our cruising life aboard our 34' catamaran "9 Lives". We hope all of our friends and family will join us from time to time and blog with us whenever they have the chance. Happy sailing!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Warm Wind and Blue Water

Yesterday January 28th was relatively chilly.  72 degrees for the high and it was overcast and windy.  Today is much better.  81 degrees for the high, light winds and partly cloudy sky.   Last night, the marina had a mexican night pot luck with a cash bar.  The food was great with lots of different kinds of dishes.  I still feel a little new on the block and our boat is definitely low man on the totem pole.  Many, many, 38 to 40 footers with all the electronics, roller furling main sails, and all the other amenities you can think of.  Many of the people in the marina are from the Chesapeake and Annapolis area, so they've basically moved their summer activities to the Bahamas for the winter.  We are planning to stay at the Marsh Harbor Marina for a month or so until the weather starts to moderate a little with fewer fronts moving off the US coast.  We were thinking of renting a car for a couple of days.  While sitting in the marina restaurant using the computer, we overheard a man (Cliff) calling for prices on rentals.  We asked what he found out and to make a long story short we went together on a weekly rental.  He's going to be out fishing for a couple of days, so we'll have the car to ourselves at least for a couple of days.  Went exploring with the car this morning and found the bakery and the hardware store.

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